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Course Details

Imagine That! A Journey through Creativity

Course Description

This middle school level course provides an introduction to creativity and the creative process. The creative process is a step-by-step approach that will deepen your understanding of problems, teach you to ask better questions, come up with solutions, learn from failure, and celebrate your achievements. You will learn about this systematic way of solving problems through innovation and turning ideas into reality. You will explore different types of thinking and problem-solving approaches. You will engage in STEAM activities that will challenge you to strengthen your creative abilities, alone and with others. Practicing the parts of the creative journey will help you with skills like making you more observant, more open-minded and flexible in how you think. You will be able to come up with more ideas more quickly. You will get better at teamwork. By the end of this course you will be more confident, more curious, and able to flex your creative muscles in every situation. And you will have fun along the way!


Credits Offered


  • Semester A (0.5)


  • Quarter A (0.25)

  • Quarter B (0.25)


  • Trimester A (0.33)

Any credit can be taken at any point in the school year. (See NSO Terms & Dates for more information).

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  • Middle School
  • School Year
  • Summer
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