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Approve a Course

Before you can be enrolled in the course you requested, you need two things: Guardian Approval and School Counselor Verification.

Guardian Approval

A guardian needs to review, verify all information is correct, and approve their student’s course request. A guardian account was created automatically when your student made their NSO account. A confirmation email with your login information was sent to the guardian email address shared on the NSO Account form.

Step 1: Login and Verify Information

  • Log into your NSO Guardian Account (NOT your student’s NSO account)
  • Verify that all of the information entered is correct.

Step 2: Review Course Requests and Make Changes

  • Review the course requests in the Dashboard of the NSO Guardian Account and check that the course, start and end dates, and enrollment type are correct.
  • If changes are needed, click Request Courses and click the Edit icon next to the course name.
  • Click Save.

Step 3: Approve or Deny the Courses

  • If you approve: Type in your initials and click the green checkmark (Affirmed).
  • If you do not approve: Click the red X (Not_Affirmed).
  • If you make a mistake email, we are happy to reset it for you!

School Counselor Verification

In addition to the guardian approval, all NSO course requests also need a school counselor verification entered before a student can be enrolled in the course.
All students are allowed to take an online course at the online provider of their choice, but it’s important that the student’s counselor verifies that the course requested meets the student’s credit needs, has the correct start and end dates for the course schedule, and has all the correct information within the request. 

School counselors: how to verify a student's course request

Frequently Asked Questions